Changing the assessment game.

"I got sick of watching my wife spending hours marking maths papers and knew there had to be a better way" - Paul (Co-Founder)

92% of teachers are claiming to be overloaded and work in excess of 55 hours per week. We looked into this and found this could be split into 20 hours of face to face teaching and 35 hours of non teaching time. Our focus is reducing the 35 hours.

We envision a future where teachers are empowered to inspire and students thrive through innovative ecducation technology.

Meet a few of the awesome team behind TeacherEA. We’re bridging the gap between a very old profession and a future where technology can be used to solve our hardest problems.


Branch Manager

Reduce stress

Reduce the workload for your maths teachers. Give your teachers the chance to focus on what is important.... their students.